Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 In Pictures

I decided to name this blog Pictures of Jello because my other blog about my life (which I do not update nearly enough) is called Jello Doesn't Nail. Why? Because I once heard the phrase "Raising kids is like nailing jello to a tree" and it implies that what ever you do they (the jello) will always do what they do... Anyway, I started doing a picture a day last year and wasn't able to keep up with it. This year one of my goals is to do more "me stuff", and one of the things I want to actually keep up with is taking a picture a day. So, here's to 2009 and me actually posting a picture a day.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with this Semalee. I hope it is something you stick with and I look foward to seeing pictures you post throughout the year! Once you really get into doing this it truly just becomes second nature. I took on the challenge this past year as you know and there were some nights when I would go to bed and be like I forgot to take a picture and i would get up and take a picture of some random thing in my house that I use or like. lol Have fun with this.
